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136. ROBERT ANDREWS (d. 1688)

137. GRACE UNKNOWN (c. 1614–1702)

Robert Andrews died on 29 May 1668 in Topsfield. [VRTD] He married Grace Unknown. The widow Grace died on 25 December 1700/1 in Boxford. [VRBD]

Robert Andrews of Rowley Village (Boxford), being very sick and weak, signed his will on 16 May 1668. It was attested to by his widow Grace on 1: 5: 1668. Robert left bequests to his wife, his eldest son Thomas, his sons Robert and Joseph, his underage son John, his daughter Mary, the wife of Isaac Cummings, his daughter Hannah Peabody, his daughter Elizabeth, the wife of Samuel Symonds and his three youngest daughters, Rebecca, Sarah and Ruth. [EPR]

On 1 May 1672 Nathaniel and Thomas Leonard and Robert and Thomas Andrews were presented for breaching the peace. The Leonards and Thomas Andrews were fined. [GCR, 5:31]

Hannah Downing brought a complaint against Nathaniel, Samuel and Thomas Leonard at the June 1674 court. She complained that on many occasions the Leonards had annoyed her while she was in bed, hitting her and kicking her. Many of the Leonard brother's friends and family testified on their behalf. However, Sarah Bates and Elizabeth Looke deposed that they had seen the Leonards abuse Hannah. John Gould testified to their bad behavior. Elizabeth Symonds said that Samuel Leonard had asked for a beer, and when she went to the cellar to draw him some, he followed her and tried to kiss her. She admonished him for trying to kiss a married woman, and he struck her a blow on the small of her back. Grace Andrews, age about 60, testified to seeing Thomas Leonard behave badly. Hannah Peabody, aged about 30, said that Samuel Leonard came by her house and forcefully took her child from her arms and put it in the cradle. She said to her little boys, "Where is your father?" and Samuel left. Robert Andrews, aged about 25, also testified to the Leonards' bad behavior. The court ordered the Leonards to be whipped or pay a fine and bound them for good behavior. [QCR, 5:351–4]

Children of Robert Andrews and Grace Unknown:

i. Mary Andrews was born about 1640. She died between 27 June 1692 and 27 August 1612. She married Deacon Isaac Cummings.

ii. Hannah Andrews was born about 1644. She married John Peabody on 23 November 1665 in Topsfield or Boxford. [VRTM][VTBM]

iii. Elizabeth Andrews married Samuel Symonds.

iv. Sergeant Thomas Andrews married first Martha Antrome. He married Rebecca Unknown.

v. John Andrews married Sarah Dickenson on 18 April 1683 in Boxford. [VRBM]

vi. Robert Andrews was born about 1649.

vii. Rebecca Andrews

viii. Captain Joseph Andrews married Sarah Perley.

ix. Sarah Adams

x. Ruth Adams


VRTD. Vital Records of Topsfield, Massachusetts to the End of the Year 1849 (Topsfield: Topsfield Historical Society, 1903), 201.

VRBD. Vital Records of Boxford, Massachusetts to the End of the Year 1849 (Topsfield: Topsfield Historical Society, 1905), 222, a question mark by Grace's death year.

EPR. "Essex County, MA: Early Probate Records, 1635–1681," database with images, AmericanAncestors, pp. 133–5

VRTM. Vital Records of Topsfield, Massachusetts to the End of the Year 1849 (Topsfield: Topsfield Historical Society, 1903), 116.

VRBM. Vital Records of Boxford, Massachusetts to the End of the Year 1849 (Topsfield: Topsfield Historical Society, 1905), 111.

QCR. George Francis Dow, ed., and Harriet S. Tapley, trans., Records and Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County, 9 vols, digitized books, Salem Witch Trials: Documentary Archive and Transcription Project (

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last revised 20-Apr-2020